I have a keen interest in mindfulness and I have completed training in Cognitive Based Mindfulness Therapy. I practice Mindfulness in my personal life and I am able to integrate aspects of mindfulness into my counselling work if it is your wish to do so.
I have also completed training which allows me to teach mindfulness in group settings and in schools to Children and Young People aged 7 to 11 years and aged 11 to 18 years. The courses called paws b (7 to 11 years) and dot .b (11 to 18 years) are developed by The Mindfulness in Schools Project and are successfully running in many parts of the country.
Mindfulness is about learning to spend more time in the present moment with an aim to balance our thinking and sensing which can lead to a more fulfilled way of living.
There have been studies and there is evidence that shows how practicing mindfulness can help to reduce stress and anxiety and help with concentration. There are many other benefits to practicing mindfulness and each person’s experience will be different and personal to themselves.
For details of current courses I am delivering please contact me